Student Testimonials

Here are a few student testimonials from our International Student Program!

Terrance Choy from Hong Kong, China
“All the people here are very friendly. If you want to adapt here within a really short time, you have to be brave enough to ask for help whenever you need it. I have a lot of Canadian friends. It’s a really peaceful and quiet environment. The students are very friendly and willing to spend time with you if you are new here. I would like to come back someday and Guelph is one of those cities I plan to live in.”

Rodrido Berrocal Calderon from Mexico
“They are really nice with International Students and they can really be good friends. You’re going to have the best semester or the best year of your life. Try everything you can because you don’t want to say later, oh I should have done that. You can find a lot of different cultures and ideas here. It’s been awesome to be in their classes and all of them are great teachers, they can really be your friends.”

Rose Niu from China
“I thought the people here were really nice and gave me a lot of courage to overcome the difficulties. I participated in 2 dance performances so I found out the best way to make friends is to join as many activities as you can. My friends are from a variety of countries all over the world. I’ve been here only 10 months and I have already built tough, lasting friendships so I’m sad I’m leaving.”

Keisuke Nakajima from Japan
“Thanksgiving with my homestay relatives was a nice experience because it’s not really a common holiday in Japan. I live in Guelph and it’s a really nice city, it’s not too big and not too small. I came here for a short term last year and I really liked it here, so I just decided to come back. In Canada I feel like I can study whatever I want to study. I’m planning to live here in Canada because it’s a really nice place to live.”

Amaris Haoxuan from China
“There are many different courses you can choose and amazing teachers. I made friends, Canadian friends and friends from all over the world and I gradually got used to the new environment. Outside school I have a lot of time to do whatever I want like sports or handing out with my friends. You will love the people here and you will enjoy everything around you.”

Chris Tican from China
“My Canadian friends here are really nice and the teachers I have had are really helpful. I really put myself out there and made friends. It was Chinese New Year and I couldn’t go back to China to celebrate it, but my host family threw a party for me and it was really sweet. I think Guelph is a really quiet city and it’s really safe and a great city for studying. I would love to come back and visit my teachers and friends.”